P r o j e c t s


Thessaloniki Tango Party - KONSTANTINIDIS Patisseries


Τhe Thessaloniki Tango Party is a FESTIVAL FOR EVERYONE, free and without participation costs, with a European scope that we hold for the 4th consecutive year with a charitable, touristic and artistic character. The Thessaloniki Tango Party took place from August 24-27 (4 days) in various parts of the city.

With the communication sponsor of the event, thessalonikitourism.gr, we experienced a wonderful evening at the Thessaloniki Tango Party. With us is the sweetest side of Thessaloniki, KONSTANTINIDIS Patisseries.

thessalonikitango afissa

Video - Editing: ARTiCON Productions - 2023


30 August 2023


Promotional Videos

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ARTiCON Productions

Kontaxopoulou 176

57013 Oreokastro Thessaloniki


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