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ΜουσικοΚΩΘτροπίες - trailer


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Let's start !!!! Show Premiere - Monday 7.12.2020 at 8 p.m. on TV100
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Musical tributes to cultural institutions, to distinguished artists from Greece and abroad in the field of music, as well as to new emerging soloists. Discussions focus on the history, the archival collections, the action of older and modern music personalities and institutions and the musical events of the city.

Presentation: Mariana Bozapalidou, George Konstantinidis
Direction: Christos Voulgarakis
Production Execution: ARTiCON audiovisual works
External Production: Thessaloniki State Conservatory 

Monday at 8 p.m. and repeated every Saturday at 3 p.m. and Sunday at 11 p.m.

The show will be broadcast by the Municipal Television of Thessaloniki TV 100.


07 December 2020


Promotional Videos

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ARTiCON Productions

Kontaxopoulou 176

57013 Oreokastro Thessaloniki


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